Feb 7, 2008

Bertill Vallien launhes his new book about his glass art design.

Bertill Vallien's new book "Trasparent Boundaries" was introduced to the public  at Schefflerska Palatset (Spökslottet) in Stockholm, yesterday evening.

Bertill Vallien is by far the most internationally celebrated glass artist and designer in Sweden and is known most of all as the master of sand moulding. He is retained by the world famous Costa Boda since 1963. 
Since Costa Boda and Örrefors are one company in our days, "Spökslottet" was a perfect choice for the ceremony. You see, there it is kept a unique collection of glass artifacts from Orrefors, some of them made by Edvard Hald, who has been inspiration and glass-art ideal for Vallien.

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