Apr 19, 2009

What some imagination and good taste can do...

While going through some thousands of pictures from a last year's wedding, i stopped at this photograph

Every time i look at it i get as much amazed as when i first show it, the evening after Fatima and Salim's wedding!

It was so hard to believe that this dreamy place was actually one of these tents

ps: this tent was there for the guests and especially for the closest relatives (which were a couple of hundreds) to meet and be with each other during the 4 days of the festivities. 
Most of them had come from other countries like England, the States, Canada and Dubai, and they were really enjoying to be reunited with relatives, that they probably had not have the chance to meet as often otherwise).
The reception was actually held elsewhere and it took the whole third day of the four that we were with the wed couple!

And here is a photo of how it looked like on the floor! Since the tent was at the garden, i guess that the carpets where lying on the grass, probably above plastic sheets.

(many more pictures in our blog are coming soon )

Apr 17, 2009

Easter, the Lord's Easter!

Christos anesti!
Christ is risen!
Hristoss vosskrese!
Paşte Fericit
Ուրախ Զատիկ
ديعس حْصِف
З Великодніми святами
Христос воскресе

More photos from the Easter celebrations at the Holy Mountain Athos in Greece you can see here (HD slideshow in YouTube).

Apr 11, 2009


Tomorrow is Easter in Sweden. We wish all our friends, customers and readers of this blog a very happy Easter!


Acoording to a swedish tradition since the 19th century, the small children will be dressed as withes and go around knocking at the doors, giving Eastercards that they have made themselves and getting back sweets and candies.
Well, witches in our days have become så cute! :-)

Apr 10, 2009

We have been photographed for once!

John Michael Cooper is a worldfamous photographer, very capable and inspirational, a little crazy and certainly with unique ideas (by the way he was the one who started the craze about "Trash The Dress"!).
There have been many photographers that have whined about they photograph everybody else but they don't have photos of themselves because noone ever photographs them.
Well, John was the one who started doing something about it with his famous "pay it forward" project.
He offered to photograph another photographer's family and instead of getting paid for his work, the other photographer (whose family was photographed) should pay it forward by photographing a third photographer's family, and so on.
Last May was John in Sweden for two seminars. It was then that he photographed Jenny Blad who in her turn photographed Linda.
Well guess what; last week we were photographed by Linda!!! And now we have finally beautifull pictures of the whole family together for the first time!!!
Guess if we are happy and thankful! Now it's our turn to pay forward!

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